Monthly Archives: March 2014

Fifth Avenue, Milford

Fifth Avenue, Milford

Fifth Avenue, Milford

St. Benedict – Our Lady of Montserrat, Stamford

St. Benedict - Our Lady of Montserrat, Stamford

Mailed in 1947 to Washington, DC

St. Benedict - Our Lady of Montserrat, Stamford

Idylwood Hotel, Milford

Idylwood Hotel, Milford

Black Point Beach, Niantic

Black Point Beach, Niantic

Soldiers’ Monument, Winsted

Soldiers' Monument, Winsted

Mailed in 1907 to Torrington

Soldiers' Monument, Winsted


Squantz Pond State Park, New Fairfield

Squantz Pond State Park, New Fairfield

Chimney Corner Inn, Stamford

Chimney Corner Inn, Stamford

Closed in 1985 and became a shopping center four years later

Bristol Nurseries

Bristol Nurseries

St. Margaret’s Shrine, Bridgeport

St. Margaret's Shrine, Bridgeport

Housatonic River Valley, West Cornwall

Housatonic River Valley, West Cornwall