Posts in Category: Guilford

Guilford Institute

Guilford Institute

Mailed in 1909 to Rochester, New York

Hyland House Museum, Guilford

Hyland House Museum, Guilford

Built in the late 1600s and opened as a museum in 1918.

Old Stone House, Guilford

Old Stone House, Guilford

Built in 1639, and operated by the state as the Henry Whitfield Museum

Fisherman’s Nook, North Guilford

Fisherman's Nook, North Guilford

Try to overlook the brown effluent

Pinchbeck Rose Farm, Guilford

Pinchbeck Rose Farm, Guilford

Founded in 1929, and home of the Roses for Austism ( program

First Congregational Church, Guilford

First Congregational Church, Guilford

First Congregational Church, Guilford. Dedicated in 1830.