Posts in Category: Uncategorized

Housatonic River

Housatonic River

Caption reads only “looking north”

Bantam Railroad Station

Bantam Railroad Station

Bushnell Park Lagoon, Hartford

Bushnell Park Lagoon, Hartford

A section of the Park River, which ran through downtown Hartford until it was diverted underground in the early 1940s. The gentleman in the lower left corner demonstrates the lack of a clone tool in the 1960s.

Union Station, New Haven

Union Station, New Haven

Not dated. Not sure if this is the current station or not.

Chimney Corner Inn, Stamford

Chimney Corner Inn, Stamford

Closed in 1985 and became a shopping center four years later

Thomaston Opera House

Thomaston Opera House

Main Street, Ridgefield

Main Street, Ridgefield

Mailed in 1907 to Groton

Naugatuck Valley

Naugatuck Valley

The “gateway to the Berkshires” reference might be a bit fanciful.

Dogwood Trees

Dogwood Trees

Just beyond the reach of the enthralled children grasping at the fence.


Camp Woodstock, Woodstock Valley

Camp Woodstock, Woodstock Valley

Not sure if they’re weaving or making spiked weapons.