Saint Bridget Rectory, Moodus

Saint Bridget Rectory, Moodus

Mailed in 1973 to Claremont, New Hampshire

Five Mile River

Could be the one in northeast CT or the one in southwest CT. Card isn't specific.

Could be the one in northeast CT or the one in southwest CT. Card isn’t specific.

Grand View Resort, Moodus

Grand View Resort, Moodus

Sleeping Giant, Hamden

Sleeping Giant, Hamden

East Rock Park, New Haven

East Rock Park, New Haven

Mailed in 1920 to Brookline, Massachusetts

Hyland House Museum, Guilford

Hyland House Museum, Guilford

Built in the late 1600s and opened as a museum in 1918.

Peabody Museum, New Haven

Peabody Museum, New Haven

Lake Quassapaug, Middlebury

Lake Quassapaug, Middlebury

Marflo Terrace Motel, Clinton

Marflo Terrace Motel, Clinton

The Parade, New London

The Parade, New London