Post Office, New London

Post Office, New London

Mailed in 1908 to Newburyport, Massachusetts

Lake Pocotopaug, East Hampton

Lake Pocotopaug, East Hampton

Waterbury Green

Waterbury Green

Not mailed, but a note on the back mentions a visit in 1954

Hartford Theological Seminary

Hartford Theological Seminary

Today’s UConn Law School

21st Regiment Monument, New London

21st Regiment Monument, New London

Mailed in 1906 to East Hampton, New York

Valley Railroad, Essex

Valley Railroad, Essex

Elsmere Hotel, Milford

Elsmere Hotel, Milford

Mailed in 1915 to New Britain

Buttolph-Williams House, Wethersfield

Buttolph-Williams House, Wethersfield

Nathan Hale Homestead, Coventry

Nathan Hall Homestead, Coventry

Housatonic River, West Cornwall

Housatonic River, West Cornwall