Constitution Plaza, Hartford

Constitution Plaza, Hartford

It’s amazing how many postcards this site inspired.

State Street, New London

State Street, New London

We like how the monument figure’s head pokes above the image.

Ferry Tavern Hotel, Old Lyme

Ferry Tavern Hotel, Old Lyme

The hotel burned down in 1971.

Gillette’s Castle, East Hadlyme

Gillette's Castle, East Hadlyme

Armory, New Haven

Armory, New Haven

Seaside Park, Bridgeport

Seaside Park, Bridgeport

Mailed to Hungary

St. Edward’s Church, Stafford Springs

St. Edward's Church, Stafford Springs

Tobacco Valley Inn, Bloomfield

Tobacco Valley Inn, Bloomfield

If you wanted, you could move the TV anywhere the cord would reach.

Goodspeed Opera House, East Haddam

Goodspeed Opera House, East Haddam

Post Office, Bridgeport

Post Office, Bridgeport

Mailed in 1906 to Bethel