Tree Growing From Boulder, Waterbury

Tree Growing From Boulder, Waterbury

Long since removed, but once along Cheshire Road. Mailed in 1907 to Belleville, New York.

Holy Family of Nazareth Novitiate, Monroe

Holy Family of Nazareth Novitiate, Monroe

Wickham Park, Manchester and East Hartford

Wickham Park, Manchester and East Hartford

Merritt Parkway

Merritt Parkway

Approaching the railroad overpass in New Canaan.

State Teacher’s College, New Britain

State Teacher's College, New Britain

Now Central CT State University. Mailed in 1981 to Lenox, Massachusetts.

Nathan Hale Homestead, Coventry

Nathan Hale Homestead, Coventry

Branford Green

Branford Green

Mailed in 1951 to send Christmas greetings to Parkersburg, West Virginia.

Boothe Memorial Park, Stratford

Boothe Memorial Park, Stratford

Lee Memorial Methodist Church, Norwich

Lee Memorial Methodist Church, Norwich

Memorial Town Hall, Hamden

Memorial Town Hall, Hamden

Being (or has been) renovated to serve as the local police station.