Valley Railroad, Essex

Valley Railroad, Essex

Young woman in the lower right corner isn’t enough to skew the average passenger age perceptibly. Woman next to her isn’t picking, but we had to look twice.

Constitution Plaza, Hartford

Constitution Plaza, Hartford

People transfixed by the cement waterfalls

Holy Land, Waterbury

Holy Land, Waterbury

Card wasn’t mailed

Route 8 Interchange, Waterbury

Route 8/84 Interchange, Waterbury

Shockingly, this card wasn’t mailed

Hotel Hartford

Hotel Hartford

Depending on the corner, the hotel site is either the Civic/XL center or a parking lot. Postmarked in 1948, mailed to Madison, Maine

St. Thomas Seminary, Bloomfield

St. Thomas Seminary, Bloomfield

Hartford diocese offices and a nifty conference center

Judson House, Stratford

Judson House, Stratford

First Congregational Church, Guilford

First Congregational Church, Guilford

First Congregational Church, Guilford. Dedicated in 1830.

Washington Oak, Gaylordsville

Washington Oak, Gaylordsville

An oak tree in New Milford, believed to have been the site of a staff meeting by George Washington during the American Revolution. The tree died in 2003.

Soldiers’ Monument, Seymour

Soldiers' Monument, Seymour

Postmarked in 1906, and mailed to a recipient in Bridgeport. Who should’ve written.